Growth performance and the soft body composition of juvenile abalone, Haliotis discus, Reeve 1846, fed the extruded pellets substituting fish meal and macroalgae with tunic meal of sea squirt, Halocynthia roretzi
- Authors
- Yun, Ahyeong; Jeong, Hae Seung; Lee, Ki Wook; Ansary, Most Waheda Rahman; Cho, Sung Hwoan; Kim, Hee Sung; Kim, Taeho
- Issue Date
- Jun-2020
- Publisher
- Keywords
- abalone (Haliotis discus); extruded pellet; fish meal; macroalgae; tunic meal of sea squirt (Halocynthia roretzi); Undaria pinnatifida
- Citation
- AQUACULTURE NUTRITION, v.26, no.3, pp 885 - 893
- Pages
- 9
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 26
- Number
- 3
- Start Page
- 885
- End Page
- 893
- 10.1111/anu.13047
- 1353-5773
- Abstract
- Growth performance and the soft body composition of juvenile abalone fed the extruded pellets (EPs) substituting fish meal (FM) and macroalgae (MA) with tunic meal of sea squirt (SS) was investigated. A total of 1,260 abalone were distributed into 18 containers. Six experimental diets were prepared in triplicate. Five diets were pelletized by an extruder pelleter. The 140 g/kg FM and 250 g/kg mixture of MA were included into the control (Con) diet. Five hundred and 1,000 g/kg of each FM and MA were substituted with an equal amount of tunic meal of SS, referred to as the FM50, FM0, MA50 and MA0 diets, respectively. Finally, dry Undaria pinnatifida was prepared. Weight gain and specific growth rate of abalone fed all EPs were greater than those fed U. pinnatifida. Weight gain of abalone fed MA50 and FM50 diets was greater than Con and FM0 diets, but not different from MA0 diet. Higher crude protein and lipid contents were observed in soft body of abalone fed all EPs compared to U. pinnatifida. In conclusion, FM and MA up to 500 and 1,000 g/kg, respectively, could be replaced with tunic meal of SS in EPs without retardation in growth of abalone.
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