A survey of the perceptions of teachers and experts about the performance of science core schools
- Authors
- Son, J.; Choi, J.; Noh, H.; Shim, K.C.; Cha, J.; Lee, K.; Lee, B.
- Issue Date
- Feb-2021
- Publisher
- 한국물리학회
- Keywords
- Perception; Performance; Questionnaire; Science Core School; Science Educator; Science Teacher
- Citation
- 새물리, v.71, no.2, pp 142 - 149
- Pages
- 8
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 새물리
- Volume
- 71
- Number
- 2
- Start Page
- 142
- End Page
- 149
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/5603
- 10.3938/NPSM.71.142
- 0374-4914
- Abstract
- The purpose of this study is to investigate the perceptions of teachers and experts about the performance of Science Core Schools. For this purpose, 40 science teachers and 8 science educators completed in the questionnaires that included nine items consisting of features from Science Core Schools. Teachers and experts were asked to respond to each item, such as the degree of benefit to the students, the degree of difficulty in use, and the need for continuous maintenance. The most beneficial items for students were improved infrastructure such as laboratories and resource rooms, compulsory completion of specialized subjects (teachers' opinion), and completion of eight science subjects (experts' opinion); the most difficult was specialized research and linkage to local resources. A necessary item was improved laboratories. The perceptions on the compulsory completion of eight science subjects were different between teachers and experts. Based on these results, the implications for the development of Science Core Schools were discussed. ? 2021 The Korean Physical Society. All rights reserved.
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