재배종 고구마[Ipomoea batatas L. (Lam)]의 기원종에 관한 분자생물학적 연구 동향open accessCurrent status on the molecular biological research for the origin of cultivated sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas L. (Lam)]
- Other Titles
- Current status on the molecular biological research for the origin of cultivated sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas L. (Lam)]
- Authors
- Lee, S.W.; Kim, Y.-H.
- Issue Date
- Dec-2021
- Publisher
- Korean Society of Plant Biotechnology
- Keywords
- Horizontal gene transfer; Ipomoea batatas; Progenitor; Sweetpotato; T-DNA
- Citation
- Journal of Plant Biotechnology, v.48, no.4, pp 223 - 227
- Pages
- 5
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Journal of Plant Biotechnology
- Volume
- 48
- Number
- 4
- Start Page
- 223
- End Page
- 227
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/5574
- 10.5010/JPB.2021.48.4.223
- 1229-2818
- Abstract
- Several hypotheses for the origin of cultivated sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas L. (Lam)] have been suggested but the exact progenitor is still unknown. Based on the results of RFLP patterns, microsatellite markers, SNP markers, FISH analyses, and genome analyses of haplotypes, wild species belonging to batatas group, I. trifida, I. leucantha, I. littoralis, I. tabascana, I. tenuissima, I. tiliacea, and I. triloba have been suggested as a progenitor. However, recently, advanced genomic technologies and characterization of the inserted T-DNA fragments of Agrobacterium in the genome of cultivated sweetpotato and wild species through horizontal gene transfer suggest that there may be an older progenitor than the wild species suggested so far. ? Korean Society for Plant Biotechnology
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- 사범대학 > 생물교육과 > Journal Articles

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