세발당귀(Angelica gigas Jiri)의 판별을 위한 ARMS-PCR용 분자표지 개발open accessDevelopment of molecular markers for the differentiation of Angelica gigas Jiri line by using ARMS-PCR analysis
- Other Titles
- Development of molecular markers for the differentiation of Angelica gigas Jiri line by using ARMS-PCR analysis
- Authors
- Lee, S.-W.; Lee, S.J.; Han, E.-H.; Shin, Y.-W.; Kim, Y.-H.
- Issue Date
- Mar-2021
- Publisher
- Korean Society of Plant Biotechnology
- Keywords
- Angelica; Arms-PCR; Nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer regions; Single nucleotide polymorphisms
- Citation
- Journal of Plant Biotechnology, v.48, no.1, pp 26 - 33
- Pages
- 8
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Journal of Plant Biotechnology
- Volume
- 48
- Number
- 1
- Start Page
- 26
- End Page
- 33
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/5508
- 10.5010/JPB.2021.48.1.026
- 1229-2818
- Abstract
- Angelica is a widely used medicinal and perennial plant. Information on the genetic diversity of Angelica populations is essential for their conservation and germ plasmic utilization. Although Angelica is an important medicinal plant species registered in South Korea, no molecular markers are currently available to distinguish it from other similar species from different countries. This developed single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers derived from nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer regions genomic sequences to identify distinct Korean-specific Angelica species via amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS)-PCR curve analyses. We performed molecular authentication of different kinds of Korean-specific Angelica species such as A. gigas Nakai and A. gigas Jiri using DNA sequences in the ITS intergenic region. The SNP markers developed in this study are useful for rapidly identifying specific Angelica species from different countr. ?'Korean Society for Plant Biotechnology. ? 2021 Korean Society of Plant Biotechnology. All rights reserved.
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