매실추출물을 이용한 고부가 저염멍게젓갈의 제조 및 품질특성Processing and Quality Characteristics of High Value-added Low-salt Fermented Sea Squirt Halocynthia roretzi with Maesil Extracts
- Other Titles
- Processing and Quality Characteristics of High Value-added Low-salt Fermented Sea Squirt Halocynthia roretzi with Maesil Extracts
- Authors
- 신명철; 권령원; 황선웅; 김혜정; 김동환; 이상호; 박진효; 김정균
- Issue Date
- 2021
- Publisher
- 한국수산해양교육학회
- Keywords
- Sea squirt; Maesil extract; Low-salt; Fermentation
- Citation
- 수산해양교육연구, v.33, no.5, pp 1065 - 1079
- Pages
- 15
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 수산해양교육연구
- Volume
- 33
- Number
- 5
- Start Page
- 1065
- End Page
- 1079
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/4924
- 10.13000/JFMSE.2021.
- 1229-8999
- Abstract
- This study was determine the optimum fermentation time of low-salt fermented sea squirt with Maesil extracts, it was prepared by adding 1% of roasted salt and 5% of Maesil extracts to 1 kg of sea squirt and then changed the fermentation time to 0 (MFT-0), 24 (MFT-24), 48 (MFT-48), 72 (MFT-72) and 144 (MFT-144) hours. The viable cell count of MFT-0, MFT-24, MFT-48, MFT-72 and MFT-144 were 3.9, 4.3, 4.1, 3.8 and 3.3 logCFU/g, respectively. The volatile basic nitrogen content were 11.5, 18.2, 21.0, 25.1 and 28.3 mg/100 g, respectively. The amino-N content (138.1 to 212.3 mg/100 g) tend to increase with the increase of fermentation time. For the color value, lightness had the highest value for MFT-0, but redness and yellowness had the highest value for MFT-144. The amount of free amino acid gradually increased with the increase of fermentation time, in which the main amino acids were glutamic acid, glycine and alanine in all samples. The color, odor, taste and overall acceptance score decreased after 24 hours of fermentation, and MFT-24 had the highest score of texture. Therefore, fermentation at 3~4℃ for 24 hours was suggested to be the optimum manufacturing condition.
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