전자식 비례 압력제어밸브 내 오일 오염 입자 제거 제어 알고리즘 검증Control Algorithm for Removing Oil Contaminant Factor from Proportional Pressure Control Valve
- Other Titles
- Control Algorithm for Removing Oil Contaminant Factor from Proportional Pressure Control Valve
- Authors
- 천수환; 박진감; 장경제; 심성보; 장민호; 이진웅
- Issue Date
- Dec-2021
- Publisher
- 사단법인 유공압건설기계학회
- Keywords
- Proportional Pressure Control Valve; Pulse Width Modulation; Oil Contaminant Factor; Current Control; 비례 압력제어밸브; 펄스폭 변조; 오일 오염 입자; 전류제어
- Citation
- 드라이브·컨트롤, v.18, no.4, pp 1 - 8
- Pages
- 8
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 드라이브·컨트롤
- Volume
- 18
- Number
- 4
- Start Page
- 1
- End Page
- 8
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/4638
- 2671-7972
- Abstract
- An electro proportional pressure control valve is mainly used to control the clutch of an agricultural tractor’s automatic transmission. During transmission, the operating, hydraulic oil is mix with many kinds of contaminants. The contaminants can be trapped between the valve body and spool of the proportional pressure control valve leading to abnormal operating conditions and finally critical damage to the transmission hydraulic system. The present study aimed to verify the valve control algorithm as a basic study of developing control logic that removes contaminants between the spool and the body of the proportional pressure control valve. To develop the algorithm, MATLAB/SIMULINK was used. PWM method was used to control the applied solenoid coil current. The effectiveness of the algorithm was verified by comparing the actual pressure of the normal valve with the actual pressure of the abnormal valve. Based on the present study findings, when the algorithm was applied, the response of the valve pressure according to the current became stable and oil contaminated particles were removed. In the future study, the control algorithm will be optimized for the stability of the proportional pressure reducing valve, and it will be verified in consideration with the driving of the clutch.
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