학생 참여형 과학 수업에서 수업 활동 유형에 따른 학생들의 선호도 분석Analysis of Student Preference according to Class Activity Type in Student Participatory Science Class
- Other Titles
- Analysis of Student Preference according to Class Activity Type in Student Participatory Science Class
- Authors
- 민재식; 김용진
- Issue Date
- 2021
- Publisher
- 한국생물교육학회
- Keywords
- students participatory class; science education; class type; science class; preference
- Citation
- 생물교육, v.49, no.4, pp 557 - 571
- Pages
- 15
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 생물교육
- Volume
- 49
- Number
- 4
- Start Page
- 557
- End Page
- 571
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/4601
- 10.15717/bioedu.2021.49.4.557
- 2234-876X
- Abstract
- In this study, the types of student participatory science classes were analyzed and the students’ preference for each type was surveyed. To this end, lesson plans were submitted by science teachers in leading schools for student participatory science classes in 2019 were analyzed according to their types and a survey was conducted on students of leading schools for student participatory science classes. The types of student participatory science classes were divided into experiment․observation,production·expression, inquiry·interpretation, discussion·debate, project, and problem solving. Analysis of lesson plans showed that the experiment·observation type was used the most, accounting for 181(25.6%) and the problem solving type was used the least(9.8%). The result of analyzing the difference in preference according to the type of science class activity showed that there were statistically significant differences in elementary, middle, and high schools. Analysis of the students’ preference for the types of student participatory science classes showed that the preference for the experiment·observation type was statistically significantly higher than that for the teacher centered one(t=-12.17, p=.000). Therefore, in student participatory science classes, it can be seen that the experiment·observation class type is an important type that can increase students’ interest and satisfaction in science classes. Other types except for the experiment·observation type have lower preference than teacher-centered classes, so student participatory classes require efficient operation to improve academic achievement or satisfaction along with interest. The study on the preference for the type of science class activities by gender indicated that male students showed higher preference than female students did in all science class activities. Strategies on selecting and applying the relevant class type is important because preference for the student participatory science classes can be different according to teachers’ instructional design strategies, relevance of class activities, school levels, and gender of the students.
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