향어(Cyprinus carpio)를 활용한 반건제품의 제조 및 관능 특성Preparation and Sensory Properties of Semi-dried Israeli Carp Cyprinus carpio
- Other Titles
- Preparation and Sensory Properties of Semi-dried Israeli Carp Cyprinus carpio
- Authors
- 이창영; 박시형; 박예은; 최유리; 이석민; 오선화; 김진수
- Issue Date
- 2022
- Publisher
- 한국수산과학회
- Keywords
- Common carp; Cyprinus carpio; Freshwater fish; Israeli carp
- Citation
- 한국수산과학회지, v.55, no.2, pp 121 - 128
- Pages
- 8
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 한국수산과학회지
- Volume
- 55
- Number
- 2
- Start Page
- 121
- End Page
- 128
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/2311
- 10.5657/KFAS.2022.0121
- 0374-8111
- Abstract
- The aims of this study were to optimize the processing procedure of high-quality semi-alternating temperature dried Israeli carp Cyprinus carpio (SAD-IC) and to investigate the sensory properties of the product. Based on the differences in moisture content of the dorsal and ventral muscles, high quality SAD-IC was prepared by alternating the drying temperature between 4 h at 35°C, and 2 h at 5°C, three times before final drying for 2 h at 35°C. The surface in SAD-IC produced under the optimal alternating-temperature drying process had a markedly superior browning index value and softer texture compared to products produced using constant-temperature drying. SAD-IC produced from dorsal and ventral muscle had significantly superior taste values than the raw material. These results suggest that SAD-IC has the potential to be industrialized.
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Collections - 해양과학대학 > Seafood science & Technology > Journal Articles

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