Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity  open-access icon

Journal Title

  • Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity


  • E 2287-9544 | P 2287-884X


  • 국립중앙과학관

Listed on(Coverage)

SJR 2014-2019
CiteScore 2015-2019
SCOPUS 2017-2020
DOAJ 2017-2021
KCI(Ranking) 2013-2019
KCI 2016-2021
KCI(Candidate) 2015-2016

OA Info.

OA open-access icon

based on the information

  • 2017;2018;2019;2020;2021;
Keywords biological diversity, conservation, conservation theory, conservation policy, conservation management, biological diversity analysis
Review Process Blind peer review
Journal info. pages
Licences CC BY, CC BY-NC-ND
Copyrights No
DOAJ Coverage
  • Added on Date : 2015-11-04T19:45:50Z
Subject(s) Science: Biology (General): Ecology


  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • The Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity (previous title was Journal of Korean Nature) is an official journal of National Science Museum of Korea (NSMK) and Korea National Arboretum (KNA). The scope of journal is wide and multidisciplinary that publishes original research papers, review articles, as well as conceptual, technical and methodological papers on all aspects of biological diversity-its description, analysis and conservation, and its application by humankind. This wide and multidisciplinary journal aims to provide both scientists and practitioners in conservation theory, policy and management with comprehensive and applicable information. However, papers should not be submitted that deal with microorganisms, except in invited paper. Articles that are focused on the social and economical aspects of biodiversity will be normally not accepted.

Article List

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