Preposition Stranding in the EFL Acquisition of Embedded Wh-questionsPreposition Stranding in the EFL Acquisition of Embedded Wh-questions
- Other Titles
- Preposition Stranding in the EFL Acquisition of Embedded Wh-questions
- Authors
- 윤정회
- Issue Date
- 2019
- Publisher
- 한국언어연구학회
- Keywords
- preposition stranding; preposition pied-piping; embedded wh-questions; SWIPING; interlanguage
- Citation
- 언어학연구, v.24, no.3, pp 89 - 109
- Pages
- 21
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 언어학연구
- Volume
- 24
- Number
- 3
- Start Page
- 89
- End Page
- 109
- 10.21291/jkals.2019.24.2.5
- 1226-9859
- Abstract
- This study investigates the acquisition of preposition stranding in the syntactic contexts, such as elliptical wh-questions and non-elliptical ones, by Korean speakers learning English. An acceptability judgment task was conducted to examine the effects of clause types (non-elliptical vs. elliptical), preposition placement (preposition stranding vs. preposition pied-piping), and the V-P dependency (Dependent vs. Independent vs. Irrelevant). The results showed that preposition stranding was rejected in elliptical wh-questions while preposition fronting was favored over preposition stranding in non-elliptical wh-questions. Though the results were seemingly contradictory to the saliency hypothesis proposed by Bardovi-Harlig (1987), the study will provide an Optimality-theoretic analysis for the learners’ interlanguage grammars by adopting the constraint ranking proposed by Choi (2008).
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