Questionnaire study of the dietary habits of breast cancer survivors and their relationship to quality of life (KROG 14-09)
- Authors
- Rim, Chai Hong; Ahn, Sung-Ja; Kim, Jin Hee; Yoon, Won Sup; Chun, Mison; Yang, Dae Sik; Lee, Jong-Hoon; Kim, Kyubo; Kong, Moonkyoo; Kim, Suzy; Kim, Juree; Park, Kyung Ran; Shin, Young-Joo; Ma, Sun Young; Jeong, Bae-Kwon; Kim, Su Ssan; Kim, Yong Bae; Lee, Dong Soo; Cha, Jaehyung
- Issue Date
- Mar-2019
- Publisher
- Blackwell Publishing Inc.
- Keywords
- breast cancer; cancer survivor; dietary habit; quality of life; questionnaire
- Citation
- European Journal of Cancer Care, v.28, no.2
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- European Journal of Cancer Care
- Volume
- 28
- Number
- 2
- 10.1111/ecc.12961
- 0961-5423
- Abstract
- We evaluated the dietary habits of breast cancer survivors and investigated the relationship with quality of life (QoL), with 1,156 survivors recruited from 17 institutions. We used the Questionnaire Survey of Dietary Habits of Korean Adults (Q-DH-KOR) comprising 25 questions. The following indices were derived as follows: (1) quality of healthy dietary habits (Q-HD)-eight questions on number of meals, regularity, quantity, duration, skipping breakfast, dinner with companion(s), overeating and late-night snacks; (2) habits of nutritional balance (H-NB)-questions on consuming five food categories (grains, fruits, proteins, vegetables and dairy products); and (3) habits of unhealthy foods (H-UF)-questions on consuming three food categories (fatty, instant and fast foods). The times and regularity of meals, frequency of skipping breakfast, dinner with companion(s) and overeating were better in groups with high symptomatic and functional QoL. Symptomatic QoL positively affected Q-HD and H-NB (p p = 0.024 respectively) and negatively affected H-UF (p = 0.02). Breast cancer survivors more frequently ate from the fruit, protein and vegetable categories than did the control group, with lower H-UF and higher Q-HD values (p p < 0.001 respectively). Our findings supported the relationship between QoL and dietary habit and showed healthier dietary habits of breast cancer survivors than controls.
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