허먼 멜빌의 「필경사 바틀비」에 나타난 전유로서의 자선 서사A Narrative of Philanthropy as Appropriation in Herman Melville’s "Bartleby, the Scrivener"
- Other Titles
- A Narrative of Philanthropy as Appropriation in Herman Melville’s "Bartleby, the Scrivener"
- Authors
- 구승본
- Issue Date
- 2020
- Publisher
- 새한영어영문학회
- Keywords
- Herman Melville; Bartleby; alienation; appropriation; charity; philanthropy; capitalism; Christianity; narrative
- Citation
- 새한영어영문학, v.62, no.1, pp 1 - 28
- Pages
- 28
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 새한영어영문학
- Volume
- 62
- Number
- 1
- Start Page
- 1
- End Page
- 28
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/7965
- 10.25151/nkje.2020.62.1.001
- 1598-7124
- Abstract
- This paper examines the ways in which the lawyer-narrator appropriates both Bartleby, a scrivener he employs in his office, and himself, a bourgeois capitalist with a strong belief in the Christian principle of pre- determination. Recent criticism of “Bartleby, the Scrivener,” has focused attention on either the potentialities of Bartleby’s passive resistance, “I would prefer not to,” in constructing a new order of social community, or the lawyer-narrator’s self- indulgent story-telling which aggravates the condition of Bartleby as an alienated worker. Borrowing Rahel Jaeggi’s conception of alienation and appropriation, this essay sheds light on the mode of the lawyer-narrator’s restricted and rigid role appropriation in which he fails to become the authentic and genuine self who could truly sympathize with and actively engage in the plight of Bartleby.
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Collections - 인문대학 > 영어영문학부 > Journal Articles

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