발아온도 및 Spermine, Putrescine이 딸기의 화분 발아에 미치는 영향Effect of Germination Temperature, Spermine and Putrescine on Pollen Viability of Strawberry
- Other Titles
- Effect of Germination Temperature, Spermine and Putrescine on Pollen Viability of Strawberry
- Authors
- 이정은; 김현도; 제병일; 이용재; 박영훈; 최영환; 손병구; 강남준; 강점순
- Issue Date
- 2020
- Publisher
- 한국환경과학회
- Keywords
- Maehyang; Pollen germination; Seolhyang
- Citation
- 한국환경과학회지, v.29, no.4, pp 415 - 421
- Pages
- 7
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 한국환경과학회지
- Volume
- 29
- Number
- 4
- Start Page
- 415
- End Page
- 421
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/7875
- 10.5322/JESI.2020.29.4.415
- 1225-4517
- Abstract
- This study was conducted to determine the optimum conditions for the treatment of polyamine to promote pollen germination and improve the fruiting rate by overcoming fertilization defects in low-temperature strawberry cultivation. The optimum temperature for pollen germination of strawberries was 30 for Seolhyang and 25 for Maehyang, and Seolhyang had a higher pollen germination rate than that of Maehyang. The addition of polyamines, namely spermine and putrescine to the medium improved the pollen germination rate and spermine treatment showed a better effect than putrescine treatment.
The proper polyamine type and treatment concentration for enhancing the potency of pollen germination was 500 μM of spermine for both Seolhyang and Maehyang, which improved the pollen germination rate by 19-23% compared with that of the control. However, combined treatment of spermine and putrescine, resulted in a lower germination rate lower than that of the single treatment. Our results indicated that the treatment of polyamines during flowering in protected cultivation of strawberrise can improve the fruiting rate by overcoming the problem of poor pollen germination due to low temperature.
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