핀기어 적용 롤러 스크류의 기어설계에 관한 연구A Study on the Gear Design of Roller Screw with Pin Gear
- Other Titles
- A Study on the Gear Design of Roller Screw with Pin Gear
- Authors
- 신재솔; 박상민; 류성기
- Issue Date
- Dec-2024
- Publisher
- 한국기계가공학회
- Keywords
- Roller Screw(롤러 스크류); Pin Gear(핀기어); Ring Gear(링기어); Electro-Mechanical Actuator(전기-기계식 액추에이터); Hypotrochoid(하이포트로코이드)
- Citation
- 한국기계가공학회지, v.23, no.12, pp 57 - 63
- Pages
- 7
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 한국기계가공학회지
- Volume
- 23
- Number
- 12
- Start Page
- 57
- End Page
- 63
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/75477
- 10.14775/ksmpe.2024.23.12.057
- 1598-6721
- Abstract
- Linear actuators, including hydraulic, pneumatic, and electric cylinders, are essential for linear motion in variousapplications. Hydraulic cylinders are commonly used in high-load environments. However, recent environmentalregulations targeting carbon emissions are driving interest in electric actuators. Among these, electromechanicalactuators are particularly beneficial owing to their energy efficiency, eco-friendliness, precise positioning, andcompact design. However, the key component, the roller screw, remains costly, and relies heavily on importsowing to manufacturing challenges. This study presents a new roller screw design that replaces the traditionalspur gear with a pin gear with the aim of reducing production costs and dependency on imports. A prototypecreated via 3D printing successfully demonstrates operational viability, indicating the feasibility of domesticproduction for mass manufacturing. This approach supports the sustainable development of high-performanceactuator technologies.
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