Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of La-Ca-Co Substituted M-Type Sr-Hexaferrites with Controlled Si Diffusionopen access
- Authors
- Moon, Kyoung-Seok; Yu, Pyeong-yeol; Kang, Young-Min
- Issue Date
- Nov-2020
- Publisher
- Keywords
- M-type hexaferrite; magnetic properties; microstructure; abnormal grain growth
- Citation
- APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, v.10, no.21, pp 1 - 11
- Pages
- 11
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 10
- Number
- 21
- Start Page
- 1
- End Page
- 11
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/5984
- 10.3390/app10217570
- 2076-3417
- Abstract
- La-Ca-Co substituted M-type Sr-hexaferrites (Sr0.3Ca0.4La0.3Fe9.8Co0.2O19-delta) were prepared by a solid-state reaction using two different procedures, where the SiO2 additive was mixed either before calcination (pre-Si) or after calcination (post-Si). At the same sintering temperature, smaller cell volumes and reduced saturation magnetization (M-s) values were obtained for samples processed with the pre-Si method than those with the post-Si method. This implied that the pre-Si method resulted in a greater degree of Si substitution into the M-type lattice and increased Fe extrusion out of the lattice. The grain growth behavior was controlled by the SiO2 amount and sintering temperature. It was found that abnormal grains occur with a bimodal distribution in the 0.5 wt% SiO2 samples sintered at 1240 degrees C, due to the increased critical driving force for growth caused by an increased amount of SiO2 addition. The M-s and coercivity values were altered with the control of Si diffusion and abnormal grain growth. The control of the additive diffusion behavior is one of the important keys in the material design under same materials compositions.
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