Congruences for Hecke eigenvalues in minus spaces
- Authors
- Choi, So Young; Kim, Chang Heon; Lee, Kyung Seung
- Issue Date
- Dec-2020
- Publisher
- Academic Press
- Keywords
- Weakly holomorphic modular form
- Citation
- Journal of Number Theory, v.217, pp 353 - 375
- Pages
- 23
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Journal of Number Theory
- Volume
- 217
- Start Page
- 353
- End Page
- 375
- 10.1016/j.jnt.2020.05.017
- 0022-314X
- Abstract
- The minus space M-k(!) (p) is defined to be the subspace of the space M-k(!) (p) of weakly holomorphic weight k modular forms for Gamma(0)(p) consisting of all eigenforms of the Fricke involution W-p with eigenvalue -1. In this paper, we study congruences for Hecke eigenvalues in minus spaces. This is extended results for Choi and Kim (2011) [5]. We also find congruence relations satisfied by the Fourier coefficients of normalized Hecke eigenforms by extending the results of Choi and Kim (2015) [7] to the minus space. (C) 2020 Published by Elsevier Inc.
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