Draft genome of semisulcospira libertina, a species of freshwater snailopen access
- Authors
- Gim, J.-A.; Baek, K.-W.; Hah, Y.-S.; Choo, H.J.; Kim, J.-S.; Yoo, J.-I.
- Issue Date
- Sep-2021
- Publisher
- Korea Genome Organization
- Keywords
- De novo assembly; Draft genome; Semisulcospisa libertina
- Citation
- Genomics and Informatics, v.19, no.3
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Genomics and Informatics
- Volume
- 19
- Number
- 3
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/5649
- 10.5808/gi.21039
- 1598-866X
- Abstract
- Semisulcospira libertina, a species of freshwater snail, is widespread in East Asia. It is im-portant as a food source. Additionally, it is a vector of clonorchiasis, paragonimiasis, metagonimiasis, and other parasites. Although S. libertina has ecological, commercial, and clinical importance, its whole-genome has not been reported yet. Here, we revealed the genome of S. libertina through de novo assembly. We assembled the whole-genome of S. libertina and determined its transcriptome for the first time using Illumina NovaSeq 6000 platform. According to the k-mer analysis, the genome size of S. libertina was estimated to be 3.04 Gb. Using RepeatMasker, a total of 53.68% of repeats were identified in the genome assembly. Genome data of S. libertina reported in this study will be useful for identification and conservation of S. libertina in East Asia. ? 2021 Korea Genome Organization.
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