Recurrent nodular fasciitis in young dogs: reports of two casesRecurrent nodular fasciitis in young dogs: reports of two cases
- Other Titles
- Recurrent nodular fasciitis in young dogs: reports of two cases
- Authors
- 공주연; 서민경; 최용수; 이창희; 홍일화
- Issue Date
- 2021
- Publisher
- 한국예방수의학회
- Keywords
- Nodular fasciitis; dog; recurrence; fibrosarcoma
- Citation
- 예방수의학회지, v.45, no.2, pp 88 - 92
- Pages
- 5
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 예방수의학회지
- Volume
- 45
- Number
- 2
- Start Page
- 88
- End Page
- 92
- 2287-7991
- Abstract
- Two dogs presented with nodular masses on the head and scapula. The masses recurred after excision and were submitted for histopathological examination. Macroscopically, hemorrhage and necrosis were apparent on the cut surface. Microscopically, the lesions were poorly demarcated and incorporated subcutaneous fat and adjacent skeletal muscle fibers. Fibrocytes and fibroblasts were admixed and haphazardly arranged. Both were diagnosed with nodular fasciitis (NF). NF has been rarely reported and called as a ‘pseudosarcomatous’ lesion because of its infiltrative growth and cellular pleomorphism. The present report describes unusual cases of recurrent NF in two young dogs based on histopathologic and clinical features.
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