난임 남성의 피로, 사회 심리적 스트레스 및 내분비계 장애물질 노출 저감 행동 간의 관계A Study on the Relationship between Fatigue, Psychosocial Stress, and Behavior that Reduces Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Exposure in Infertile Males
- Other Titles
- A Study on the Relationship between Fatigue, Psychosocial Stress, and Behavior that Reduces Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Exposure in Infertile Males
- Authors
- 김성주; 최소영
- Issue Date
- 2021
- Publisher
- 한국모자보건학회
- Keywords
- Infertility; Fatigue; Stress; Endocrine disruptors; Male
- Citation
- 한국모자보건학회지, v.25, no.3, pp 211 - 220
- Pages
- 10
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 한국모자보건학회지
- Volume
- 25
- Number
- 3
- Start Page
- 211
- End Page
- 220
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/5183
- 1226-4652
- Abstract
- Purpose: This study aimed to identify the relationships between fatigue, psychosocial stress, and behavior of infertile males that reduces endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC) exposure and to provide baseline data needed for nursing intervention.
Methods: A total of 110 infertile males were recruited from a special fertility hospital in Gwangju city in Korea. The participants were administered a self-reported questionnaire.
Results: The mean scores were as follows: for fatigue, 59.1 out of 133; for psychosocial stress, 20.3 out of 54; and for behavior that reduced EDC exposure, 52.6 out of 85. Fatigue and psychosocial stress had a positive correlation(r=0.68, p<0.001), behavior that reduces EDC exposure was negatively correlated with fatigue and psychosocial stress(r=-0.54, p<0.001; r=-0.61, p<0.001) Conclusion: Fatigue and stress were higher in infertile males. Our findings suggest that a nursing intervention program should focus on reducing fatigue and stress in infertile males and induce behaviors that decrease EDC exposure.
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Collections - 간호대학 > Department of Nursing > Journal Articles
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