유한요소해석에 의한 코팅면의 브리넬 경도 평가:제3보 - 다층 코팅에 적용Evaluation of Brinell Hardness of Coated Surface Using FiniteElement Analysis: Part 3 - Application to Multilayer Coatings
- Other Titles
- Evaluation of Brinell Hardness of Coated Surface Using FiniteElement Analysis: Part 3 - Application to Multilayer Coatings
- Authors
- 박태조; 강정국
- Issue Date
- 2021
- Publisher
- 한국트라이볼로지학회
- Keywords
- Brinell hardness; indentation analysis; finite element analysis; multilayer coating; 브리넬 경도; 압입해석; 유한요소해석; 다층 코팅
- Citation
- 한국트라이볼로지학회지, v.37, no.6, pp 240 - 245
- Pages
- 6
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 한국트라이볼로지학회지
- Volume
- 37
- Number
- 6
- Start Page
- 240
- End Page
- 245
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/4648
- 10.9725/kts.2021.37.6.240
- 2713-8011
- Abstract
- Ceramic coatings with high hardness and excellent chemical stability have been successfully applied to various machine elements, tools, and implants. However, in the case of monolayer coating on soft substrates, a high-stress concentration at the interface between the coating and the substrate causes delamination of the coating layer. Recently, to overcome this problem, multilayer coatings with a metal layer with a low modulus of elasticity added between the ceramic and the substrate have been widely applied. This study presents the third part of a recent study and focuses on the effect of the number of coating layers on the Brinell hardness of multilayered coating with TiN/Ti, following the two previous studies on a new Brinell hardness test method for a coated surface and on the influence of substrate and coating thickness. Indentation analyses are performed using finite element analysis software, von Mises stress and equivalent plastic strain distributions, load-displacement curves, and residual indentation shapes are presented. The number of TiN/Ti layers considerably affect the stress distributions and indentation shapes. Moreover, the greater the number of TiN/Ti layers, the higher is the Brinell hardness. The stress and plastic strain distributions confirm that the multilayer coatings improve the wear resistance. The results are expected to be used to design and evaluate various coating systems, and additional study is required.
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