굴 수평망식 양식장의 먹이가용성에 대한 연구Food availability of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, cultured in intertidal rack culture system
- Other Titles
- Food availability of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, cultured in intertidal rack culture system
- Authors
- 정우건; 조상만
- Issue Date
- 2021
- Publisher
- 한국패류학회
- Keywords
- Pacific oyster; Food availability; Scope for growth; Tidal flat; Rack culture
- Citation
- The Korean Journal of Malacology, v.37, no.3, pp 103 - 111
- Pages
- 9
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- The Korean Journal of Malacology
- Volume
- 37
- Number
- 3
- Start Page
- 103
- End Page
- 111
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/4424
- 1225-3480
- Abstract
- To optimize the cultural performance for oyster rack culture in tidal flat, the scope for growth (SFG) and food availability (FA) were estimated from primary production and the metabolic rates of the oysters cultured on the northeastern coast of Wando Island, Korea. The estimated unit energy content of the seawater ranged from 1.18 to 25.39 Kcal/m3/day in typical productive features of the temperate zone. The absorbed energy allocated in the order of respiration (15.9-97.3%), meat growth (0-70%) and shell growth (0.9-31.8%), respectively . Scope for growth (SFG) ranged from ―2.2 to 45.0 Kcal/m3/day regulated by mainly temperature and salinity. Food availability (FA) ranged from 1.1 to 329 which met food requirements resulting in no mortality. Between the late spring and summer season , low FA resulted in food deficiency and further served as a factor for mortality when especially coupled with physical stress such as typhoons . The energetic cost of reproduction infferred from summer mortality corresponded to 15% for one year-old and 60% for 2 year-old oyster . Our results indicated that one of the factors for effective oyster culture , stocking time should be determined upon consideration of spat size. Small -sized spats in shell height should introduce in spring but large-sized (> 5 cm) in autumn to achieve the commercial oyster before next summer without significant mortality.
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