전복 해상가두리 양식용 황동어망의 양성 효과Effect of cooper net on cultural performance of abalone, Haliotis discus hannai, in sea net cage
- Other Titles
- Effect of cooper net on cultural performance of abalone, Haliotis discus hannai, in sea net cage
- Authors
- 오동훈; 조창흔; 정우건; 조상만
- Issue Date
- 2021
- Publisher
- 한국패류학회
- Keywords
- Abalone; Cooper net cage; Growth; Taste value; Antifouling
- Citation
- The Korean Journal of Malacology, v.37, no.4, pp 173 - 179
- Pages
- 7
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- The Korean Journal of Malacology
- Volume
- 37
- Number
- 4
- Start Page
- 173
- End Page
- 179
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/4394
- 1225-3480
- Abstract
- To investigate the applicability on abalone culture, 14 brass nets were installed into sea net cages at Nowha-do and Gunnae-ri in Wando, Korea. No statistically significant growth was observed in shell size and weight but in fatness at the brass net. A significant decrease was observed in mortality only in Gunnae-ri, which geologically characterized the closed water features. No significant differences were observed in species and biomass in bio-fouling organisms on the surface of abalone shells between both net types and waters. All metal contents were negligible without differences between net types but significant increase of copper content in the meat from Gunnae-ri, which indicated the necessity of monitoring in copper dynamics especially when the brass net installed in closed waters. A significant increase of taste value in brass net abalone resulted from increases of Taurine in viscera and Arginine in meat. The improvement of fatness, mortality, and taste value indicated that the brass net could improve physiological function through improved water exchange from its antifouling properties. Despite the necessity of risk management on copper dynamics in closed waters, our results suggested that the brass net could be an alternative technique for abalone culture to increase cultural productivity.
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