Unit Cell FEM Analysis Using I-Fiber Single Stitch with Different Thickness
- Authors
- Tapullima, Jonathan; Park, Gyu Yeong; Yoon, Dong Hwan; Choi, Jin Ho
- Issue Date
- Feb-2021
- Publisher
- Keywords
- I-fiber stitching; Pull-out; Unit cell; CZM (Cohesive Zone Method)
- Citation
- COMPOSITES RESEARCH, v.34, no.1, pp 30 - 34
- Pages
- 5
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 34
- Number
- 1
- Start Page
- 30
- End Page
- 34
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/4165
- 10.7234/composres.2021.34.1.030
- 2288-2103
- Abstract
- This paper present a three-dimensional unit cell finite element analysis to predict the pull-out behavior of a single stitch in a composite laminate. The stitching process used for this study correspond to the I-fiber stitching method that has been studied by the Composite Structures Lab (CSL) as a new through-thickness reinforced method. A total of six cases were analyzed, which were divided in two groups by the stitching yarn used, 6k and 12k. Each group of cases have three different thickness according to the amount of plies; 16 plies, 32 plies and 64 plies. The finite element analysis used the cohesive zone method to characterize the single stitch reinforcement in the interface. Due to the complexity of the load vs displacement curves taken from the experimental results, a bilinear and trilinear bridging laws were implemented in the models. The cohesive parameters used for each case showed a good agreement with the experimental data and can be used for future studies.
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