A nonlinear hybrid controller for swinging-up and stabilizing the rotary inverted pendulum
- Authors
- Nguyen, Ngo Phong; Oh, Hyondong; Kim, Yoonsoo; Moon, Jun
- Issue Date
- Apr-2021
- Publisher
- Kluwer Academic Publishers
- Keywords
- Energy control; Feedback linearization control; Modified super-twisting control; Rotary inverted pendulum; Stabilization control; Swing-up control
- Citation
- Nonlinear Dynamics, v.104, no.2, pp 1117 - 1137
- Pages
- 21
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Volume
- 104
- Number
- 2
- Start Page
- 1117
- End Page
- 1137
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/3939
- 10.1007/s11071-021-06317-2
- 0924-090X
- Abstract
- In this paper, we propose a new class nonlinear hybrid controller (NHC) for swinging-up and stabilizing the (under-actuated) rotary inverted pendulum system. First, the swing-up controller, which drives the pendulum up towards the desired upright position, is designed based on the feedback linearization and energy control methods. Then, the modified super-twisting sliding mode control is proposed based on the new sliding surface to stabilize both the fully-actuated (the rotary arm) and under-actuated (the pendulum) state variables. In the proposed NHC, around the upright position, the stabilization controller is applied, and in different circumstances aside from the upright position, the swing-up controller is used. We show that with the proposed NHC: (i) in the swing-up stage, the pendulum is able to reach the desired upright position; and (ii) in the stabilization stage, the closed-loop rotary inverted pendulum is asymptotically stable. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed NHC through extensive experiments. In particular, (i) the faster swing-up under the similar control effort is obtained, compared with the existing fuzzy logic swing-up controller; (ii) the better stabilization control performance for the convergence of the angular positions of the rotary arm and pendulum is attained and the chattering is alleviated, compared with the existing sliding mode stabilization controllers; (iii) the better stabilization control accuracy with the faster convergence time and lower peak overshoot is accomplished, compared with the existing Fuzzy-LQR controller; and (iv) the good robustness against sudden external disturbances is achieved.
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