Modeling takeover time based on non-driving-related task attributes in highly automated driving
- Authors
- Yoon, Sol Hee; Lee, Seul Chan; Ji, Yong Gu
- Issue Date
- Apr-2021
- Publisher
- Pergamon Press Ltd.
- Keywords
- Highly automated driving (HAD); Non-driving-related task (NDRT); Takeover time
- Citation
- Applied Ergonomics, v.92
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Applied Ergonomics
- Volume
- 92
- 10.1016/j.apergo.2020.103343
- 0003-6870
- Abstract
- This study aims to investigate the effects of non-driving-related tasks (NDRTs) on the transition of control in highly automated driving (HAD) by investigating the effects of NDRT physical, visual, and cognitive attributes during transition of control. A conceptual model of the takeover process is proposed by dividing this process into motor and mental reactions. A laboratory experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of each NDRT attribute on the corresponding stage of the process of taking over control. A prediction model was developed using the results of multiple linear regression analysis. Additionally, a validation experiment with nine NDRTs and a baseline condition was conducted to determine the extent to which the developed model explains the takeover time for each NDRT condition. The results showed that the timing aspects of the transition of control in HAD largely consist of participant motor reactions that are affected by the physical attributes of NDRTs.
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