Homogeneous almost complex manifolds and their compact quotients
- Authors
- Kim, Kang-Tae; Lee, Kang-Hyurk; Nagata, Yoshikazu
- Issue Date
- May-2021
- Publisher
- World Scientific Publishing Co
- Keywords
- J-automorphism; compact quotient
- Citation
- International Journal of Mathematics, v.32, no.06
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- International Journal of Mathematics
- Volume
- 32
- Number
- 06
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/3819
- 10.1142/S0129167X21500348
- 0129-167X
- Abstract
- This paper investigates the (non)existence of compact quotients of the homogeneous almost-complex strongly-pseudoconvex manifolds discovered and classified by Gaussier-Sukhov [Wong-Rosay theorem in almost complex manifolds, http:www. arXiv.org:math.CV/0307335; On the geometry of model almost complex manifolds with boundary, Math. Z. 254(3) (2006) 567-589] and Lee [Domains in almost complex manifolds with an automorphism orbit accumulating at a strongly pseudoconvex boundary point, Michigan Math. J. 54(1) (2006) 179-205; Strongly pseudoconvex homogeneous domains in almost complex manifolds, J. Reine Angew. Math. 623 (2008) 123-160].
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