Spontaneous rupture of a renal artery pseudoaneurysm in a hemodialysis patient A case reportopen access
- Authors
- Lee, Seunghye; Jung, Sehyun; Kim, Hyun-Jung; Jang, Ha Nee; Park, Dong Jun; Bae, Eunjin; Lee, Tae Won; Chang, Se-Ho
- Issue Date
- 21-May-2021
- Publisher
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ltd.
- Keywords
- case report; hemodialysis; percutaneous embolization; renal artery pseudoaneurysm; spontaneous rupture
- Citation
- Medicine, v.100, no.20, pp E25970
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Medicine
- Volume
- 100
- Number
- 20
- Start Page
- E25970
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/3697
- 10.1097/MD.0000000000025970
- 0025-7974
- Abstract
- Rationale: Renal artery pseudoaneurysm is a rare vascular lesion usually caused by trauma or percutaneous urological procedures. Spontaneous rupture of pseudoaneurysms without predisposing events, especially in hemodialysis patients, has rarely been reported. Patient concerns: A 25-year-old man receiving maintenance hemodialysis visited the emergency room because of sudden severe right flank pain. He had no history of trauma or urological procedures except for a left renal biopsy to diagnose Alport syndrome 10 years prior. Diagnosis: Contrast-enhanced computed tomography revealed a right perirenal hematoma with pseudoaneurysms. Interventions: On renal angiography, multiple pseudoaneurysms were observed in the right renal artery branches and embolization was performed. Outcomes: Post-angiography showed no pseudoaneurysms. His abdominal pain improved, and he was discharged 2 weeks after embolization. Lessons: When maintenance dialysis patients complain of severe abdominal pain, spontaneous rupture of a renal pseudoaneurysm should be considered as a differential diagnosis, even if the patient has no history of trauma or previous urological procedures.
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