中國傳統裝飾紋樣與歐洲洛可可藝術Traditional Chinese Decorative Patterns and European Rococo Art
- Other Titles
- Traditional Chinese Decorative Patterns and European Rococo Art
- Authors
- 谷莉; 김덕환; 조천천
- Issue Date
- Jun-2021
- Publisher
- 盐城工学院
- Citation
- Journal of Yancheng Institute of Technology, v.34, no.3, pp 74 - 77
- Pages
- 4
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Journal of Yancheng Institute of Technology
- Volume
- 34
- Number
- 3
- Start Page
- 74
- End Page
- 77
- 1008-5092
- Abstract
- 我国的明清时期,商品经济较为发达,与欧洲开展了大规模的海外贸易。由此,中国传统丝绸和瓷器装饰纹样对欧洲设计产生了很大影响,导致整个欧洲当时的艺术设计包括瓷器、建筑、家具、墙纸、面料和绘画等都出现了来自中国的装饰纹样元素,中国文化的概念深深扎根在欧洲各国人民心中,并由此催生了法国—中国式洛可可艺术的产生。
During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,China's commodity economy was relatively developed,and it carried out a large amount of overseas trade with Europe.As the maritime silk road and the spread of the Chinese traditional silk and porcelain decoration pattern design has had an impact in Europe,cause the entire European art design including China at that time,construction,furniture,wallpaper,fabrics and painting and so on all the decoration pattern elements from China,the concept of Chinese culture is deeply rooted in the heart of the French people,Gave birth to French-Chinese rococo art.
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