The visco modified Heisenberg ferromagnet equation and physical applications
- Authors
- Gurbuz, Nevin Ertug; Yoon, Dae Won
- Issue Date
- Dec-2021
- Publisher
- Elsevier BV
- Keywords
- visco Da Rios equation; Nonlinear heat equation; Nonlinear Schrodinger equation; Electric field; Magnetic field
- Citation
- Optik, v.248
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Optik
- Volume
- 248
- 10.1016/j.ijleo.2021.167815
- 0030-4026
- Abstract
- In this paper, we introduce three classes of a spacelike curve evolution in terms of Frenet frame for the visco modified Heisenberg ferromagnet (visco MHF) equation in Minkowski 3-space. By using those frames and the visco MHF equation, we obtain the visco modified nonlinear heat system and the visco modified Schrodinger equation. Also, we study the Lorentz force equations of the electric fields for the t, n, b-magnetic curves of the magnetic vector fields with respect to Frenet frame of the spacelike curve. From this, we discuss the geometric phases, the Frenet geometric electric flow phases and the Frenet magnetic flow densities for Lorentz forces connected with the visco MHF equation.
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