Diagnosis and Management of Sarcopenia after Hip Fracture Surgery: Current Concept Reviewopen access
- Authors
- Yoo, J.-I.; Kim, J.-T.; Park, C.H.; Cha, Y.
- Issue Date
- Mar-2022
- Publisher
- The Korean Hip Society
- Keywords
- Diagnosis; Hip fracture; Management; Sarcopenia
- Citation
- Hip and Pelvis, v.34, no.1, pp 1 - 9
- Pages
- 9
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Hip and Pelvis
- Volume
- 34
- Number
- 1
- Start Page
- 1
- End Page
- 9
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/2671
- 10.5371/hp.2022.34.1.1
- 2287-3260
- Abstract
- To date, family medicine and internal medicine fields have been responsible for defining, researching, and development of treatments for sarcopenia, focusing mainly on diabetes and metabolic diseases. Therefore, application of current guidelines for diagnosis of sarcopenia which differ according to continent to patients with hip fractures in the orthopedic field is difficult. The purpose of this review was to understand the recent consensus on the definition and diagnosis of sarcopenia and to highlight the importance of research and future research opportunities on the management of sarcopenia in patients with hip fractures by orthopedic surgeons. The global prevalence of sarcopenia in patients with hip fractures is statistically significant. Despite establishment of various therapeutic and diagnostic criteria for osteoporosis in the clinical field, there are no clear, useful diagnostic criteria for sar-copenia in the clinical field. In particular, few studies on the evaluation and treatment of sarcopenia in patients with hip fractures have been reported. In addition, the quality of life of postoperative patients with hip fractures could be significantly improved by development of precise assessment for muscle regeneration and rehabilitation in the operating room. ? 2022 by Korean Hip Society.
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