침습성 국균증과 동반된 침윤형 비부비강 혈관지방종 1예open accessA Case of Infiltrating Sinonasal Angiolipoma Accompanied by Invasive Aspergillosis
- Other Titles
- A Case of Infiltrating Sinonasal Angiolipoma Accompanied by Invasive Aspergillosis
- Authors
- 장동엽; 김대우; 전시영; 김상욱
- Issue Date
- 2012
- Publisher
- 대한이비인후과학회 부산,울산,경남 지부회
- Keywords
- 혈관지방종; 국균증; 코; 부비강 종양; Angiolipoma; Aspergillosis; Nose; Paranasal sinus neoplasm
- Citation
- 임상이비인후과, v.23, no.2, pp 258 - 261
- Pages
- 4
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 임상이비인후과
- Volume
- 23
- Number
- 2
- Start Page
- 258
- End Page
- 261
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/22622
- 10.35420/jcohns.2012.23.2.258
- 1225-0244
- Abstract
- Angiolipoma is a benign adipose tissue tumor with marked vascular proliferation, which differentiates angiolipoma from common lipoma. Angiolipoma rarely occurs in head and neck regions. This is the first report on infiltrating angiolipoma arising from the pterygopalatine fossa accompanied by invasive aspergillosis. A-61-year-old male presented with diplopia which occurred after head trauma. An ill-defined mass originated from right pterygopalatine fossa was incidentally found by magnetic resonance imaging. The mass was removed via endonasal endoscopic approach combined with Caldwell-Luc approach. It was partially removed because the mass was firmly adhered to surrounding normal tissues and was adjacent to the right cavernous sinus. Pathologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of angiolipoma. Additionally, it unexpectedly revealed the presence of fungal hyphae inside the tissue obtained from right lamina papyracea. Following an antifungal medication for 6 months after surgery, the patient currently shows no evidence of invasive fungal infection at postoperative 9 months.
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