班固(32~92)의 匈奴 문제 대응과 그 영향Ban Gu(32~92)’s Policy Plan and Response to Xiongnu and his Influence on succession Historians
- Other Titles
- Ban Gu(32~92)’s Policy Plan and Response to Xiongnu and his Influence on succession Historians
- Authors
- 정재훈
- Issue Date
- 2022
- Publisher
- 중앙아시아학회
- Keywords
- 흉노(匈奴); 반고(班固); 반표(班彪); 사마천(司馬遷); 범엽(范曄); 흉노전(匈奴傳); Xiongnu; Ban Gu; Ban Piao; Sima Qian; Fan Ye; Biography of Xiongnu
- Citation
- 중앙아시아연구, v.27, no.1, pp 1 - 22
- Pages
- 22
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 중앙아시아연구
- Volume
- 27
- Number
- 1
- Start Page
- 1
- End Page
- 22
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/2246
- 10.29174/cas.2022.27.1.001
- 1738-0200
- Abstract
- In 48, the North-South division of the Xiongnu greatly reduced the threat to Han dynasty(漢朝). The Han Dynasty tried to maintain its superiority by using the Southern Xiongnu(南匈奴) to keep the Northern Xiongnu(北匈奴) in check. In response, isolated Northern Xiongnu actively negotiated to overcome this situation. However, since then, the relationship has not been maintained as conflicts with Northern Xiongnu began in earnest. Ban Gu(班固) compiled a history book, Han Shu(漢書), as a family business. He also went further and participated in the Northern Expedition to actively solve the Xiongnu issue.
Ban Gu focused on solving the Xiongnu problem and wrote the Biology of Xiongnu, and supplemented the contents by accepting Sima Qian(司馬遷)'s records, Shi ji(史記), as they were. In addition, he tried to edit the contents by focusing on the establishment of measures to suppress the Xiongnu in his writings. This was different from Sima Qian, who tried to objectively describe the Xiongnu and provide accurate information. Ban Gu defined the Xiongnu as a ‘barbarian’ and tried to control them loosely(羈縻), emphasizing their differences from the position of disparaging them.
This perception and response to Ban Gu's Xiongnu also had a great influence on Fan Ye(范曄) who later recorded the Southern Xiongnu as an example, and this was further strengthened afterwards. This was a natural result of the stronger confrontation with the Xiongnu and eventually being ruled by them. It should be noted that, contrary to this negative position, the record of Sima Qian tried to provide objective information. This shows the difference between the two recorders and allows them to compare the characteristics of the two records. Considering the characteristics of these records, it is necessary to study the history of Xiongnu in the future.
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