사회적 기업가정신이 마케팅혁신과 지속가능성에 미치는 영향 -구조방정식과 인공신경망 분석방법 비교-Effect of Social Entrepreneurship on Marketing Innovation and Sustainability - Comparison of Structural Equations and Artificial Neural Network Analysis Methods -
- Other Titles
- Effect of Social Entrepreneurship on Marketing Innovation and Sustainability - Comparison of Structural Equations and Artificial Neural Network Analysis Methods -
- Authors
- 방원석; Reddy N. S.; 신재익
- Issue Date
- 2022
- Publisher
- 한국인터넷전자상거래학회
- Keywords
- Innovativeness; Marketing Innovation; Proactiveness; Risk-taking; Social Orientation; Social Entrepreneurship; Sustainability
- Citation
- 인터넷전자상거래연구, v.22, no.3, pp 185 - 205
- Pages
- 21
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 인터넷전자상거래연구
- Volume
- 22
- Number
- 3
- Start Page
- 185
- End Page
- 205
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/2199
- 1598-1983
- Abstract
- The purpose of this study is to examine the sub-dimensions of social entrepreneurship, such as pro-activeness, innovativeness, risk-taking, social orientation, marketing innovation, and sustainability, at a time when interest in social entrepreneurship is recently spreading around the world. To understand the relationships between factors of this study, a survey was conducted from March 15 to March 25, 2021, for members of government-affiliated public organizations, and the final 234 copies were used for analysis through unfaithful respondents and cleanup work.
As a result of the study, first, as a sub-dimension of social entrepreneurship, social orientation was newly proposed in addition to the general three sub-dimensions of entrepreneurship, such as pro-activeness, innovation, and risk-taking. Second, as a result of examining the effects of pro-activeness, innovativeness, risk-taking, and social orientation, which are components of social entrepreneurship, on marketing innovation, it was confirmed that only innovativeness and social orientation had a significant positive effect on marketing innovation. Third, as a result of examining the effects of pro-actinveness, innovativeness, risk-taking, and social orientation, which are components of social entrepreneurship, on sustainability, it was confirmed that only innovativeness and social orientation factors had a significant positive effect on sustainability. Finally, it was found that marketing innovation has a positive effect on sustainability. Based on the results, meaningful academic and practical implications were presented.
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