3D 프린터를 이용한 임펠러 출력물의 치수 특성Dimensional Characteristics of Impeller Output Using 3D Printers
- Other Titles
- Dimensional Characteristics of Impeller Output Using 3D Printers
- Authors
- 공정리; 김해지
- Issue Date
- 2022
- Publisher
- 한국기계가공학회
- Keywords
- FDM Method 3D Printer(FDM방식 프린터 3D ); SLA Method 3D Printer(SLA방식 프린터 3D ); Impeller(임펠러); Dimension Characteristics(치수 특성); 3D Dimensional Verification(3D 치수검증)
- Citation
- 한국기계가공학회지, v.21, no.9, pp 56 - 62
- Pages
- 7
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 한국기계가공학회지
- Volume
- 21
- Number
- 9
- Start Page
- 56
- End Page
- 62
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/1987
- 10.14775/ksmpe.2022.21.09.056
- 1598-6721
- Abstract
- This study analyzed the output precision of 3D printing methods. The inner impeller of the centrifugal compressor was printed in as a sheet with 100% packing density using two methods: field deposition modelling and stereolithography. Dimensional differences between the initial CAD and printed models were evaluated using a 3D scanner. To investigate the dimensional characteristics of the 3D printed impeller, 3D dimension analysis and point dimension analysis were performed. The point dimension analysis was divided into 3D and 2D for comparative analysis.
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Collections - 공과대학 > ETC > Journal Articles

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