중국 근대 서양교육의 수용— 명칭과 인물을 중심으로open accessAcceptance of Modern Western Education in China
- Other Titles
- Acceptance of Modern Western Education in China
- Authors
- 이경자
- Issue Date
- 2017
- Publisher
- 고려대학교 중국학연구소
- Keywords
- tradition education; modern education; Western education; Chinese education; Chinese educational system.
- Citation
- 중국학논총, no.58, pp 339 - 362
- Pages
- 24
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 중국학논총
- Number
- 58
- Start Page
- 339
- End Page
- 362
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/14180
- 10.26585/chlab.2017..58.014
- 1229-3806
- Abstract
- Modern times are an important time to observe changes in tradition and modern times. Especially in the field of education, the system and content of education are in a period of rapid change unlike the previous era in modern times. Among the changes of modern education in China, the acceptance of Western education in particular proceeded with acceptance of education thought and system of Western and Japanese. This study focuses on how China accepted Western education until 1905 when the old system was abolished, To that end, we approached from the following aspects. First, the acceptance process of the name of ‘education’ symbolizing modernity is examined. The meaning of education used by Mencius for the first time and Education have different meanings. In this paper it is examined how China accepted Western education in China by keeping track of what is used in the meaning of Education. Second, the process of accepting Western education into China was examined with three levels, mainly for Chinese and foreigners. In the early days of acceptance, In the case of Chinese, the Chinese people began to take education through exchanges and exchanges. In the case of foreigners, foreigners spread Western education to China as a part of preaching through missionaries. In the last stage, it was developed according to each situation. In the case of Chinese people, Western education is directly accepted beyond Japan. In the case of foreigners, professional education led China’s acceptance of Western education by affecting China Developed. Over 100 years since 1905, the traditional education system in China or the sprouting of the Chinese educational system is hard to find out. Education and the culture accompanying it over 1000 years have been extracted, and heterogeneous educational systems have been implanted there and maintained until now. This change of education is not only limited to education system but also to the ideology and culture that has maintained Chinese society for a long time, and it changes to customs and tradition to support it, and it is extended to self - denial including disconnection from tradition. That is why continuous research is needed.
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