- Authors
- 김일석; 강정미; 이채원; 김태완; 노치훈; 전성호; 김삼웅; 하연조; 방우영
- Issue Date
- May-2018
- Publisher
- International Journal of Advanced Research
- Citation
- International Journal of Advanced Research, v.6, no.5, pp 775 - 783
- Pages
- 9
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- International Journal of Advanced Research
- Volume
- 6
- Number
- 5
- Start Page
- 775
- End Page
- 783
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/11655
- 2320-5407
- Abstract
- This study was carried out to obtain a basic data for application in meat products via examination of bioactive materials from Cirsium japonicum var. Ussuriense tuber. Hot water extract showed high activities against BC (Bacillus cereus) and ST (Salmonella Typhimurium) as well as inhibited nitric oxide (NO) production. The supernatant of methanol fractionation (MS)50 and MS70 exhibited antibacterial activity against BC, whereas the precipitated pellet of methanol fractionation (MP)30 and MS50 showed the activity against ST. DPPH radical scavenging activity showed the highest value in MP50, but exhibited higher value in the supernatant than in the precipitated pellet. NO production in BV2 cells treated with LPS was highly inhibited in MS50 and MS70, but the activity in RAW 264.7 cells showed a high inhibition rate in MS70. As a result of ethyl acetate partition, antimicrobial activity showed high values in organic and water phases of ethyl acetate partition (MS70EAO and MS70EAW) against BC, but presented high activity in MS70EAW against ST. MS70EAO showed the highest NO production inhibition rate in BV2 and RAW 264.7 cells. In purification of Sep-Pak R18, the NO activity was showed by higher values by MS70EAO.FT (flow through), MS70EAW.FT, and MP70EAW.FT in BV2 cells, whereas observed by broad fractions in RAW264.7 cells. In summary, since the partially purified bioactive materials from C. japonicum have variously biological activities, we suggest that it is possibility of application to functional meat products.
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