Chronobiology and sleep on resilienceopen access
- Authors
- Jeon, H.J.; Lee, S.-J.
- Issue Date
- Dec-2019
- Publisher
- Korean Society of Sleep Medicine
- Keywords
- Circadian rhythm; Jetlag; Mental health; Resilience; Sleep
- Citation
- Chronobiology in Medicine, v.1, no.4, pp 149 - 151
- Pages
- 3
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Chronobiology in Medicine
- Volume
- 1
- Number
- 4
- Start Page
- 149
- End Page
- 151
- 10.33069/cim.2019.0026
- 2635-9162
- Abstract
- Resilience refers to an ability to cope with adversities. Previous studies revealed that resilience works as a protective factor for various psychological conditions such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse and suicide. In the last decade, there has been numbers of studies focused on sleep and resilience in various populations. Insomnia has been reported to be a risk factor for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and suicide. In addition to insomnia, various sleep disturbance affects resilience in terms of sleep quality and sleep duration. Also, eveningness, exposure to chronic jetlag and circadian misalignment are risk factors for psychological problems and mental disorders. Further studies are needed to determine the effect of promoting healthy sleep behaviors on resilience. Copyright ? 2019 Korean Academy of Sleep Medicine.
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