Comparison of solitary wave overtopping characteristics between vertical and wave absorbing revetments
- Authors
- Lee, W.-D.; Choi, S.; Kim, T.; Yeom, G.-S.
- Issue Date
- Jul-2022
- Publisher
- Pergamon Press Ltd.
- Keywords
- Dimensionless overtopping discharge; Laboratory experiment; Numerical wave tank; Overtopping formula; Solitary wave overtopping
- Citation
- Ocean Engineering, v.256
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Ocean Engineering
- Volume
- 256
- 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.111542
- 0029-8018
- Abstract
- In this study, the wave overtopping characteristics of the solitary wave were investigated in the vertical revetment (VR) and the wave absorbing revetment (WAR) through hydraulic experiment and numerical analysis. In the case of WAR, the horizontal flow velocity significantly increased on the crest as the solitary wave passed through the inclined wave absorbing region and the flow cross-sectional area decreased. In terms of VR, the water level rose and the vertical flow velocity developed, as it was blocked by the impermeable vertical wall and the wave overtopping progressed. As a result, the WAR and VR wave overtopping rates were larger under the conditions of a relative solitary wave height of <0.272 and >0.272, respectively. Furthermore, the wave overtopping discharge per unit time was calculated in VR and WAR by applying the effective period of solitary waves, and a dimensionless overtopping formula for solitary waves was proposed. ? 2022
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