Seo, Jae-Pil’s contribution to the evolution of Korea’s modern physical education and sports cultureSeo, Jae-Pil’s contribution to the evolution of Korea’s modern physical education and sports culture
- Other Titles
- Seo, Jae-Pil’s contribution to the evolution of Korea’s modern physical education and sports culture
- Authors
- 백유영; 이가람
- Issue Date
- 2019
- Publisher
- 중앙대학교 학교체육연구소
- Keywords
- 서재필; 근대 체육; 근대 스포츠; 인디펜던트; Seo; Jae-Pil; Modern Physical Education; Modern Sports; The Independent
- Citation
- Asian Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, v.7, no.2, pp 51 - 64
- Pages
- 14
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Asian Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science
- Volume
- 7
- Number
- 2
- Start Page
- 51
- End Page
- 64
- 10.24007/ajpess.2019.7.2.005
- 1598-5679
- Abstract
- Seo, Jae-Pil, the first Korean US citizen, played a significant role in spreading modern physical education and sports culture during the Enlightenment period in Korea. This study aims to investigate his impact on the advances of modern physical education and sports in Korea by analyzing his activities and ideas pertaining to physical education and sports based on The Independent, Korea’s first modern private newspaper. His physical education and sports activities served as a cultural bridge for Koreans to voluntarily and independently accept modern physical education and sports culture. This result is different from the previous research which interpreted Korea’s history of modern physical education and sports from the perspective of cultural imperialism. In other words, this study intends to examine and interpret the introduction of modern sports and sports culture in Korea with multiple lenses, taking into account the recipients's autonomous awareness and the context of the situation.
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