소비자의 식・약용 곤충제품 구입 및 지불의향 분석Analysis of Consumers’ Purchase Intention and Willingness to Pay for Food and Medicinal Insect Products
- Other Titles
- Analysis of Consumers’ Purchase Intention and Willingness to Pay for Food and Medicinal Insect Products
- Authors
- 박길석; 김성란; 김서영; 노호영; 김성용; 김태영
- Issue Date
- 2020
- Publisher
- 한국식품유통학회
- Keywords
- Insect products; Food neophobia; Purchase intention; Willingness to pay
- Citation
- 식품유통연구, v.37, no.3, pp 19 - 49
- Pages
- 31
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 식품유통연구
- Volume
- 37
- Number
- 3
- Start Page
- 19
- End Page
- 49
- https://scholarworks.gnu.ac.kr/handle/sw.gnu/7595
- 10.47085/KJFME.37.3.2
- 1598-9925
- Abstract
- The study examines the factors affecting insect product purchase and payment intention by investigating insect product awareness, purchase experience, satisfaction, preference, food neophobia tendency, etc. among adult consumers to propose the measures to promote consumers' insect products consumption. The data obtained through a survey of 802 adult consumers nationwide, and the logistic model and ordered logit model were respectively employed for analysis of insect product purchase intention and willingness to pay for the five kinds of edible and medicinal insect products. As key findings, consumers were more likely to purchase insect products with the higher preference or prior experience, and showed regional differences in their willingness to purchase insect products. Consumers' willingness to pay for five types of edible and medicinal insect products also found differentiation by product according to gender, income level, prior purchase experience, preference, satisfaction, and food neophobia tendency. The consumer's willingness to pay for five insect products is estimated to be about 3% lower than the current price.
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