The Presence or Absence of Alkaline Phosphatase Activity to Discriminate Pluripotency Characteristics in Porcine Epiblast Stem Cell-Like Cells
- Authors
- Baek, Sang-Ki; Jeon, Soo-Been; Seo, Bo-Gyeong; Hwangbo, Cheol; Shin, Keum-Chul; Choi, Jung-Woo; An, Chang-Seop; Jeong, Mi-Ae; Kim, Tae-Suk; Lee, Joon-Hee
- Issue Date
- 1-Aug-2021
- Publisher
- Keywords
- porcine; epiblast stem-like cells; alkaline phosphatase; pluripotency; in vitro differentiation
- Citation
- CELLULAR REPROGRAMMING, v.23, no.4, pp 221 - 238
- Pages
- 18
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 23
- Number
- 4
- Start Page
- 221
- End Page
- 238
- 10.1089/cell.2021.0014
- 2152-4971
- Abstract
- Porcine embryonic stem cells (pESCs) would provide potentials for agricultural- and biotechnological-related applications. However, authentic pESCs have not been established yet because standards for porcine stem cell-specific markers and culture conditions are not clear. Therefore, the present study reports attempts to derive pluripotent epiblast stem cells either from in vitro or in vivo derived porcine embryos. Nine epiblast cell lines (seven lines from Berkshire and two lines from Duroc) could only be isolated from day 9- to 9.5-old in vivo derived early conceptuses. Pluripotency features were analyzed in relation to the presence or absence of alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity. Interestingly, the mRNA expression of several marker genes for pluripotency or epiblast was different between putative epiblast stem cells of the two groups [AP-positive (+) pEpiSC-like cell 2 line and AP-negative (-) pEpiSC-like cell 8 line]. For example, expressions of OCT-3/4, NANOG, SOX2, c-MYC, FGF2, and NODAL in AP-negative (-) porcine epiblast stem cell (pEpiSC)-like cells were higher than those in AP-positive (+) pEpiSC-like cells. Expression of surface markers differed between the two groups to some extent. SSEA-1 was strongly expressed only in AP-negative (-) pEpiSC-like cells, whereas AP-positive (+) pEpiSC-like cells did not express. In addition, we report to have some differences in the in vitro differentiation capacity between AP-positive (+) and AP-negative (-) epiblast cell lines. Primary embryonic germ layer markers (cardiac actin, nestin, and GATA 6) and primordial germ cell markers (Dazl and Vasa) were strongly expressed in embryoid bodies (EBs) aggregated from AP-negative (-) pEpiSC-like cells, whereas EBs aggregated from AP-positive (+) pEpiSCs did not show expression of primary embryonic germ layers and primordial germ cell markers except GATA 6. These results indicate that pEpiSC-like cells display different pluripotency characteristics in relation to AP activity.
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