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Изучение изменений письменности СССР (Кириллизация)

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dc.description.abstractThe peoples of the north in Soviet Union, who had no written language, underwent two changes in the written system. In 1932, the first peoples of the north received a Single northern alphabet in Latin, but five years later, in 1937, it was replaced by a Cyrillic script. Latin-based writing was focused on eliminating the ease of introduction of Western advanced civilization and knowledge but changed under Stalin's rule in the 1930s. Russian authorities strengthened their Russification policy by establishing the status of the Russian language as the only means of interethnic communication and forced to learn Cyrillic to facilitate the study of the Russian language. It was also supposed to represent the unique sounds of ethnic languages, considering as much as possible the peculiar sounds of the languages of the northern national minorities, adhering to the unity necessary to designate the majority of peoples, bringing the designation closer to the actual literary language and actually establishing additional letters. The transition from writing based on the Latin alphabet to writing based on the Cyrillic alphabet largely contributed to the elimination of the illiteracy of the northern peoples. Also, the introduction of Cyrillic-based writing was dictated primarily by the interests of economic and political expediency. The Latin alphabet, which in the early years of the construction of national cultures played a positive role, but then hindered the interethnic communication of all the peoples of the USSR. The reasons for the transition from Latin to Cyrillic are as follows: Firstly, the Latin alphabet has become an obstacle to the rapprochement of the languages of the peoples of the USSR. Russian, cultural, economic and political ties of the peoples of the USSR, cooperation and selfless assistance of the Russian people to other peoples in the USSR, the functioning of the Russian language as a means of multinational communication required the replacement of Latin graphics with Cyrillic. Thirdly, this transition has an important pedagogical significance, since the schools of the national minorities of the north simultaneously studied two scripts, and, of course, it was a big burden for students. Finally, Cyrillic writing was much easier to study, and it was easier to print various literature, newspapers and magazines on it.-
dc.titleИзучение изменений письменности СССР (Кириллизация)-
dc.title.alternativeA Study on Second Change of Alphabet in Soviet Union (Cyrillization)-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation슬라브어 연구, v.27, no.1, pp 83 - 95-
dc.citation.title슬라브어 연구-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorSoviet Union-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorAlphabet transition-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorThe national minorities of the north-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorElimination of illiteracy-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorCyrillic alphabet.-
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